Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is the Golden Retriever the breed you're looking for?

Golden Retrievers are very popular dogs around the world. This breed is among the preferred breeds of USA, and here in Chile the number of specimens is expanding amazingly. Two or three years ago it was very unusual to see a Golden, and generally they were confused with mixed Labrador Retrievers. Today people recognize and see them in houses, parks and beaches along the country.

The reason for this explosive interest is in their wonderful loyal and happy personality, adaptable to all environments, being active partners during sports time and especially for their kindness with children, also being good guardians without being aggressive.

Up to here everything seems like a fairy tale, but is the Golden Retriever the partner you’re really looking for?

Without considering basic vet care until the puppy is twelve months old, - the idea of expenses that many times owners don’t consider at the time of taking him/her home,- we must consider that due to the characteristics of these friends, they require an adequate place for their development and needs, a lot of patience and a lot of love.

Does all the family agree on taking a dog at home? Goldens are meant to be one more member of the family, and it can be cause of displeasure, disputes and uncomfortable situations if everyone in the family doesn’t agree on his arrival.

Choosing a puppy or an adult dog? Most people want to raise their pets “by themselves”, but we must understand that’s an exhausting and sometimes frustrating job, and maybe you want a more quiet and already socialized dog.

Do you really know that your puppy is going to be a medium/large dog? Many time people, especially kids, are swept away by the tenderness of a little Golden puppy, but they aren’t clear that in few months he’ll become a bigger, heavier pet, who could play a little rough with smaller children or older people. It could cause problems too if you live in a rented place or an apartment.

Are you looking for a guard god? It’s true that a Golden would die with no doubts for his master, but the breed wasn’t developed as a guard dog, (like German Shepherds, typically used by the police.) but as its name states, a retriever, to collect a hunter’s preys.

Do you have enough space and/or dedication to exercise your pet constantly? Because they’re a sport hunting dog, a Golden needs a largish place to live. We have seen Goldens in apartments –we ourselves lived three years with our two females in one-, but we recommend it only in cases where the owners are willing to invest a lot of time every day walking and playing with them, in nearby parks or special places for pets.

Are you always out of your home? Golden Retrievers inherently look for human company and need attention. If your pet would be alone for a long time, he’ll be very unhappy and he could redirect his frustration into destroying your garden or personal things, even deriving in behavioral problems.

Do you keep your home impeccably clean? If you or someone at home is a fan of squeaky clean houses, you wouldn’t like your Golden to constantly shed all over the place, especially during season changes in spite of keeping him/her well groomed. Besides this, Goldens love the water, they will look for puddles or mud to lower their body heat or simply for the fun of it.

We hope this guide helps future owners of Golden Retrievers. People who already have one (or several) at home will agree with me in the importance of taking the previous points into consideration for you and your dog to enjoy a healthy and pleasant coexistence.

More information and other points of view:

- Golden Retriever Club of America

- LabradoryGolden.com.ar

- Evergreen Golden Retriever Club

- Buzzle.com

*Image taken from LaMascotera.com.ar


Blogger Shi Ho said...

Tay internacional ah...


7:38 AM  
Blogger Pablo said...

helloooooo....just passing by...c`ya

1:09 AM  
Blogger Broken Dreams said...

Awww que lindos los perritos. Pero a mi me gustan mas los labradores, aunque mi papa nunca me dejaria tener uno porque son muy desordenados. Lindas las fotos de cachorritos.


9:42 AM  
Blogger Reflex said...

Muy bonitos perros los golden.

1:52 AM  
Blogger manu said...

waa en ingles tb singing ant? que bonito

10:25 AM  
Blogger José Luis said...

yo tengo uno y me tiene el patio y el jardin destruidos.
ni hablar del labrador, está jubilado del gope así que anda buscando droga por todos lados, se mete en cajones, bolsos, autos etc..... los quiero pero me cansan.

7:22 PM  
Blogger trabajadorsocial said...

Congratulations I think that your passion for the Golden is wonderful. Unfortunatly I dont like pets. Anyways good luck
See you
Luis from Canada

4:58 PM  
Blogger @slz_ said...

what? or wow?

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great photos of lovely dogs. We've got two black labs, they are also very sweet...

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame you lot are so far away. I would like to meet you...

6:50 AM  
Blogger Jobove - Reus said...

irreverent, iconoclastic, ecléctic e liberty

http://telamamaria.blogspot.com in Catalonia - Spain


12:35 AM  
Blogger Mix said...

puta que me gustaría saber inglés

9:00 AM  
Blogger Peka said...

No cacho una pisca de Ingles, pero de lo que estoy segura es que el Golden es un perro muy lindo. Yo tengo un labrador retriever de dos meses y me ha robado el corazón.

Salu2 desde Chile

3:18 PM  
Blogger chica canifru said...

Wuaaa, no imaginé que se tratara de esto. Sé inglés pero me demoro en leerlo.
Mi madre tiene una golden y fue maltratada por sus antiguaos dueños, cuando llegó a la casa uno levantaba la mano y la pobre se agachaba de miedo. La tratamos tan bien y con tanto amor, que en poco tiempo perdió ese susto y sabía que nosotros la queríamos.
Es una perra maravillosa y siempre demuestra su agradecimiento, sobre todo cuando entra a la casa y se acuesta al lado de la chimenea

3:40 PM  
Blogger Mustafa Şenalp said...

I like your site very much. Thanks for your interest. Have a good day

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

helllo , greeting from Belgium

11:12 AM  
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1:49 PM  

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This page translation is corrected by Claudio Jara