Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is the Golden Retriever the breed you're looking for?

Golden Retrievers are very popular dogs around the world. This breed is among the preferred breeds of USA, and here in Chile the number of specimens is expanding amazingly. Two or three years ago it was very unusual to see a Golden, and generally they were confused with mixed Labrador Retrievers. Today people recognize and see them in houses, parks and beaches along the country.

The reason for this explosive interest is in their wonderful loyal and happy personality, adaptable to all environments, being active partners during sports time and especially for their kindness with children, also being good guardians without being aggressive.

Up to here everything seems like a fairy tale, but is the Golden Retriever the partner you’re really looking for?

Without considering basic vet care until the puppy is twelve months old, - the idea of expenses that many times owners don’t consider at the time of taking him/her home,- we must consider that due to the characteristics of these friends, they require an adequate place for their development and needs, a lot of patience and a lot of love.

Does all the family agree on taking a dog at home? Goldens are meant to be one more member of the family, and it can be cause of displeasure, disputes and uncomfortable situations if everyone in the family doesn’t agree on his arrival.

Choosing a puppy or an adult dog? Most people want to raise their pets “by themselves”, but we must understand that’s an exhausting and sometimes frustrating job, and maybe you want a more quiet and already socialized dog.

Do you really know that your puppy is going to be a medium/large dog? Many time people, especially kids, are swept away by the tenderness of a little Golden puppy, but they aren’t clear that in few months he’ll become a bigger, heavier pet, who could play a little rough with smaller children or older people. It could cause problems too if you live in a rented place or an apartment.

Are you looking for a guard god? It’s true that a Golden would die with no doubts for his master, but the breed wasn’t developed as a guard dog, (like German Shepherds, typically used by the police.) but as its name states, a retriever, to collect a hunter’s preys.

Do you have enough space and/or dedication to exercise your pet constantly? Because they’re a sport hunting dog, a Golden needs a largish place to live. We have seen Goldens in apartments –we ourselves lived three years with our two females in one-, but we recommend it only in cases where the owners are willing to invest a lot of time every day walking and playing with them, in nearby parks or special places for pets.

Are you always out of your home? Golden Retrievers inherently look for human company and need attention. If your pet would be alone for a long time, he’ll be very unhappy and he could redirect his frustration into destroying your garden or personal things, even deriving in behavioral problems.

Do you keep your home impeccably clean? If you or someone at home is a fan of squeaky clean houses, you wouldn’t like your Golden to constantly shed all over the place, especially during season changes in spite of keeping him/her well groomed. Besides this, Goldens love the water, they will look for puddles or mud to lower their body heat or simply for the fun of it.

We hope this guide helps future owners of Golden Retrievers. People who already have one (or several) at home will agree with me in the importance of taking the previous points into consideration for you and your dog to enjoy a healthy and pleasant coexistence.

More information and other points of view:

- Golden Retriever Club of America

- LabradoryGolden.com.ar

- Evergreen Golden Retriever Club

- Buzzle.com

*Image taken from LaMascotera.com.ar

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Good luck, Chopper! Good luck, Nina!

Chopper is one of Dana and Vasco's children. He was the only male in the litter. With a butter-colored coat, he is identical to his father. Nina is the smallest one of the females, with a golden coat, like her mom.

From their first days of existance Chopper showed his strong character, taking the best places to drink milk among his sisters, and sleeping in front of the females to bark at anyone who wasn't considered trustworthy … but soon he was ready to wag his tail and play for a while.

Nina was the last one born. She's happily quiet, and waits for her brother and sisters to finish eating in order to shyly find a spot next to the plate. As the days go by she has gained confidence with the other dogs, although she prefers the calm of the human company. She is going to be someone's spoilt child.

Today they are one month old. After being vaccinated, and after receiving hugs from those who were his family these first weeks, Chopper departed to the eastern area of the capital with his little owners Jordan and Gabriela, who carried him in their arms with big smiles on their faces. Nina departed too five hours later to Viña del Mar, in the arms of Constanza and her three little sisters.

Chopper, we wish you the best. Be the best dog for your owners. Precious Nina, be the happiness of your home and take care of your family.

(*) In the picture, Nina and Chopper respectively, on their 27 th day.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The rainbow bridge

There is a bridge conecting the earth and the heaven. It's called "the Rainbow Bridge" due to its multiple colours.

On one side of it there is a marvellous land, with hills, valleys and prairies full of trees, fresh grass, fragant flowers, delicious food and rivers with clear water, the whole land constantly in warm spring.

Every Golden who had been sick or was very old recovers their vigor and energy again, and those who were injured or mistreated recover completelly their health and happiness. Our beloved partners are surrounded by four legged friends and are absolutely happy.

One day, while they are playing their games and having fun, one of them looks into the horizon. He smells a familiar scent in the air, his eyes shine intensely and wags his tale recognizing the person who is approaching, while he runs with all his strength.

Your loyal friend has recognized you, and covers you with kisses and licks. You can stroke your absent friend's hairy coat. He has been gone from your life a long time, but has never been absent from your heart.

After this happy reunion, both of you cross the rainbow bridge together, to never be separated ever again.

A n o n y m o u s

My little Lilo, thanks for doing our days so happy in your company. Enjoy the Goldens’ paradise until we can cross the Rainbow Bridge together… We love you!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Chronicle of an announced litter (*)

Like most of life on this earth, everything began thanks to our parental actions. Our expectation was bigger than on other occasions, because Vasco had suffered a slight case of food-poisoning, was convalescing and we could see him tired during the mating-ritual period. Besides, Dana is one of our canine "daughters" and she would become a mother for the first time.

In the first month we waited anxiously, because we couldn't appreciate external changes in Dana. Finally the ecograph done on the 25th day of gestation, confirmed to us that puppies were on their way. The vet added that there were six little dogs, but one was so small that it wouldn't conclude its gestation. She also explained the small amount of puppies was due to Vasco's intoxication although the father and the mother were born in litters of 11 and 10 puppies respectively.

During the morning of Thursday 11th , corresponding to 59th day ofgestation, Dana, shaking, woke me up. I got up and went to the kitchen for some milk. When I came back, I found her shivering on the bed. Suspecting that puppies would be born, I took her to the corner prepared with blankets and sheets 15 days before. With an extra pillow I sat beside her waiting, talking and stroking her because she seemed very scared.

After some groans and trying to get comfortable unsuccessfully - and after a little and anxious prayer to Saint Francis(**) by this narrator- the first of the puppies could be seen. He couldn't come out completely no matter how hard she tried. So I looked for a pair of gloves and, as softly as possible, helped in the process. A moment later Dana took the new arrival out of the bag still full of liquid, she licked it until he began to breath, cut the umbilical cord and finally cleaned him. We felt very excited when we heard him making new born sounds. Thus, in aproximately two hours, a marvellous male and four beautiful girls arrived, instinctively looking for their mother and they began to feed themselves.

Dana didn't leave the puppies' side for almost 72 hours, not even to perform her biological needs. For that reason we had to take water and food to her regularly. She took care of cleaning their corner, even the waste produced by the puppies.

Slowly she began to go to the yard, but she came back every time in less than 3 minutes. If the puppies complained, she simply returned and waited for another time to go out. After around 7 days she started to come out and to spend time with Vasco and Tita for longer periods.

The Little golden retrievers had always been active, they had barked -especially at night- and had wagged their tails while suckling, but they were more independant every day, exploring more and more their corner. At ten days they opened their eyes, and at twelve, the male and the biggest female gave their first steps. They still fed on maternal milk, and she still takes care of their deposits.

(*) Based on the original title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' book "Chronicle of death foretold" ("Crónica de una muerte anunciada")

(**) St. Francis of Assisi is the Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment.

Everyone is invited!

If you want to share stories and photos of your Golden, feel free to send them to be published as soon as possible. E-mail address: nuestramascota@gmail.com. Greetings and barks!

Inaguration Soon!

Our Golden Retriever had been one of our biggest joys, our children and best friends. They deserve a web that does them honors. Soon! :D
This page translation is corrected by Claudio Jara